Saturday, 1 March 2014

Happy Birthday Hershey!

Hey guys, today is a very big day in my little family, because its our puppies first birthday! I know this kind of post won't be to everyones taste, but I really wanted to share a few pictures of him from the past year, and tell you all a little bit about him, because I feel like he will be popping up in quite a few posts over the summer months and things like that but if this kind of post isn't your cup of tea, then please bare with me, I'll be back to usual topics next week!

Hershey is a Pedigree Chocolate Labrador, His birthday (obviously) is the 1st March, and we picked him up from the breeder on April 23rd 2013. Hershey is definitely one of the family in our house hold, my fiance's parents come and pick him up if we have to be out of the house for a long time, and sometimes they pick him up just because the love him. He sleeps on the end of our bed every night, which I know some people will disagree with, but we love him and he loves us. He is actually a 'talking variety' Lab, which mean he is very vocal, he likes to squeak, and squawk, and make crazy noises when he yawns, and generally just make sure we know about everything he's feeling, but its incredibly cute and lovely, especially when I'm home alone. To be honest, Hershey is the best decision my fiance and I have ever made.

Okay, so I could talk about my little puppy bear all day.. infact I very often do, but, I don't think any one would read it if I did, so here for your enjoyment are a few pictures from this past year.. I'll start with him as a tiny puppy and end with him now.. I hope you enjoy!

This was the day we met him, he was such a chunky munky!

He was a little nervous in his new home.. he was also, teeeeny tinyy!

Getting a little bigger, this was about a month after we bought him

He found a giant stick on a walk, and loved it! 

His first ice cream! This made for a very happy puppy!

Hershey learnt a new trick!

After his first swim.. he wasn't too sure about the water..

Wrapping paper thief!

He did not approve of his antlers.. he actually tried to eat them after I took this picture

All grown up, this is one of the most recent pictures of the little one.

He is the master of the puppy dog eyes, and he is fully aware of his gift!

My handsome boy.. All grown up!

So there you have it guys, a few pictures from Hersheys first year on earth! I'm sorry for the quality of these photos, I had to take them from my facebook so the quality got very distorted *sad face* but yes, I love my little boy, he is the bestest puppy!

Thank you for reading this post if you got this far.. If you have a dog, or a cat, or any animal, I'd love to find out all about them so please leave me a comment, and i'll talk to all of you soon.. Byee Guys :)! xx


  1. Oh my gosh, how adorable! I'm also a dog lover, I have a maltese but he is in my hometown (I live somewhere else now). I really want to get a puppy here too though!! You made me want that even more, hehe :)

    1. Thank you so much for this comment Madaline :)! I bet you miss your little boy, would you get another maltese if you were to get another one,or a different breed? :)!
