Hi Guys!
For todays post I wanted to talk to you all about my hair, and the many changes it has been through since I last blogged about it back in January 2014! Here's a
link to the last post about my hair. I actually cant believe its been so long since I mentioned my hair so that means this post might be slightly longer than I had originally thought.. So here goes.
Oh, One more thing I want to mention before I start, the pictures for this post will be mainly taken from my personal facebook page, so I apologise in advance for the potato quality of images. Onto the post..
I should probably mention that I am not the type of person who has their hair done every 6-8 weeks or anything like that, I pretty much go to the hair dressers when I can no longer put it off anymore. So keep that in mind as you read on..
So if you read that linked post you'll know I had my hair ombre'd back at the beginning of 2014, I talked in the post about how I had gone for a warmer blonde as it was the first time and I wasnt sure how I was going to feel about it and to be honest I just wasnt really brave enough to full on go for it.
I then went back to the hairdressers a few months later and this time had a different stylist, and we talked about going brighter with the blonde and putting a lot more blonde into my hair as opposed to the standard ombre look. Since I had been growing it out for a while I said I wanted hardly anything taking off the length and just some layers cutting in and my side fringe shaping a little bit more.
November 2014 |
In the above photo you can see how long it had gotten, I was incredibly proud of my hair at this point as even with the bleaching it was surprisingly healthy.
December 2014 |
In this photo you can see that my blonde goes quite high up in my hair, creating more of 'just grown out' ombre instead of the standard lower ombre.
January 2015 |
Fast forward just a few weeks (I apparently like having my hair cut just after the new year) and I returned to my usual salon and stylist, and opted to have the length cut, and some more blonde added.
I made a huge song and dance about the fact that I was having "It all cut off" but in retrospect it was only about 5 inchs, which is still alot, especially considering how long is was in December. You will notice the style of my hair never actually changes, only ever the length and colour.
June 2015 |
Lets fast forward again to June where I once again returned to the salon and this time actually had the majority cut off. This is actually much shorter than I originally asked for, I asked for it taking up to about where my necklace ends, and as you can see, its much, much shorter than that, which was actually really scary for me because I was so used to having long hair I wasnt sure how I felt about having short hair, but it was too late for me to do anything about it at this point. The stylist cut my hair then coloured it so he could get a feel for where to put the colour and wouldnt be wasting product which was fine by me.
June 2015 |
The above photo was taken five days after my trip to the salon, and at this point I had decided I actually really liked it shorter. You can also see the amount and the shade of blonde the stylist had put into it which again I really liked, it was different for me and I think thats what I liked most.
July 2015 |
I hadnt actually been back to the salon at this point but this picture sort of shows the blonde highlights through my fringe, as I mentioned this really wasnt your typical ombre anymore, it had evolved into.. Well I'm not quite sure what, but I liked it alot.
September 2015 |
Which brings us all the way up to the beginning of September when I went to a different salon. I had started toying with the idea of changing my hair colour because I was kinda growing tired of the blonde, it had been well over a year since I first had blonde put into my hair and I was just.. bored I guess. When I actually booked my appointment I got talking to the stylist about what I wanted and I was very adamant that I didnt want my length touching, I was "
growing it out" etc etc, but on the day of my appointment I walked in and very confidently proclaimed "
cut it off" and thats just what the stylist did, we actually decided to take it a bit shorter than the stylist originally wanted but we both ended up very happy with the result.
Now, your probably wondering what made me change my mind, and it comes back to this idea I had of changing the colour. I decided I did actually want to colour it, and that I did actually want to grow it out, but with all the bleaching, my hair wasnt exactly unhealthy but the bleach had definitely had an effect on my hair, and if I was growing it out, I wanted it to be as healthy as possible.
September 2015 |
So a couple days after my hair cut, I went to my local super market and picked up a box dye, I should mention I am no stranger to box dyes and I spent much of my teenage years dying my hair various different colours. The dye I chose was
Iced Chocolate by L'Oreal and a few days after purchasing it I went to my mums to dye my hair (mum has a shower attachment over the bath, where as my flat doesnt. Also a helping hand never hurts)
I am honestly in love with my hair now, the colour is amazing, and very much multi tonal which I'm glad about because I didnt want a flat colour. I also only mentioned this to one or two people so when I rocked up to work with dark hair a couple of people actually didn't recognise me and I got told off for changing my hair twice in two weeks and had to explain to people that this is it now, I'm done changing my hair.. for now at least.
Hope you enjoyed this this post and if you stuck with it until the end you deserve an internet high five!
I will be posting an updated hair care routine at some point soon so you can see the types of products I'm using now my hair is short and brunette..
Talk to you soon
Byee xx