This could be the start of something beautiful..
Hello and welcome to BookTalk! This is going to be a new series of posts where I talk about the books I have been reading, buying and perhaps just the books I feel I need in my life.. which tends to be all of them!
I thought I would do like a quick introduction to this series before doing my first real post, I think it will better this way instead of trying to do an introduction and post at the same time.. So I hope this works out the way I want.
I dont think I have ever really talked about my love for books and reading on my blog before so I feel like if I dont give you a bit of background this series is going to feel a little bit out of place..
I am a huge book worm, I love it, I seriously, seriously love it. I love that feeling you get when you read, that feeling of being completely immersed in a different world, in a story that isn't your own, surrounded by characters you feel like you know. It's an escape from a reality that sometimes you arent ready to confront. I actually get a lot of stick from my friends because I don't really watch movies, they name movies and I'm just sitting there, blank faced, like "never seen it".. and I think a lot of it stems from the fact that I missed them when they first came out, and movies just don't do it for me. Nothing is imagined, its all right there on the screen and two hours later its over and, I dunno I just don't find myself enjoying a movie the way I do a book.. I might be biased but that's just how I feel.
I could spend hours in book stores just looking at all the books, slowly and carefully choosing the ones that appeal to me and that I feel I need in my collection, some of these books are part of a series
I've been reading, some of these are standalone books by authors I love and some just draw me in immediately. Personally I get a lot more reading done in the winter months when it gets darker and I can snuggle up on the sofa with a hot drink, a few candles burning and just loose myself in the pages. So I'm actually looking forward to the next few months! Hoping to get through quite a few books so I can make a Christmas list of books I want.. If I don't treat myself before then...
So yeah, in this new series I will be posting reviews, hauls, wish lists and other book related stuff for you to check out..
I hope you enjoy this series..
Talk to you soon
Byee xx
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