Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I'm Back?!

** This is going to be a very word heavy post so I'd like to apologise in advance! ** 

Good Evening Everyone! 

So I'm sure some of you are aware that it has been well over a year since I last posted on here and I'd like to take this oppertunity to explain to you guys where I've been and why I abandoned my blog with no warning.

As you may be aware if you have read my blog at any point, before I stopped blogging I was engaged and living with my fiance and our puppy.. Well, in April last year, a few days before my last post, I ended the relationship, packed my bags and moved out. Now, I realise this will probably come as a shock, considering I have talked on here about the relationship but there are multiple reasons why it ended, reasons that I'm not going to actually get into. My ex and I have discussed it and we both understand why it happened, and for the most part why it needed to happen. The break up wasn't planned, I kinda came home one day, and that was it. I do regret the way I ended, I'm not proud of it, it was kind of cowardly, it was very out of the blue but with that being said, I wouldnt actually change the way I did it, again, there are reasons but they are personal.

I moved in with my dad for a very short time, which is where I last posted from, before another brief stay with my grandparent before finding the apartment I am currently in so for the first month or so after the break up I was keeping myself very occupied with looking for a new home, working and just trying not to think about what had happened. For at least the first week I didn't actually allow myself to think about what had happened, I just kept busy and kept my mind on anything else. When I found my current flat I decided not to invest in the internet, because in all honesty I wasn't actually planning on staying here that long, and also I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to afford everything on my own so the internet got put on the back burner, which meant I physically couldn't blog.

I renewed my lease, and still felt I didn't need the internet to survive so I still didnt get it, I kept my self busy reading books, catching up on tv shows and spending time getting to know myself outside of my relationship. Having been in a relationship since I was 16, I had become known as one half of this relationship and didn't really have my own identity so I put a lot of time into learning who I was. I'm not going to pretend I actually know who I am but I'm learning, I've learnt a lot about myself in these past 18ish months, and while I still have a long way to go I am very much looking forward to the journey ahead..

And that pretty much brings us to now, obviously other things have happened but they haven't impacted my ability to blog, which is kinda what this post is about. I now have the internet in my flat and I decided earlier on today in fact that I wanted to start posting again. When I first started I loved it, it gave me a reason to use my camera, and gave my something to focus on, which is something I haven't had in such a long time. I've missed blogging, I really have so hopefully this will be the beginning of something wonderful with no more year long breaks!

I am ever so sorry that I abandoned my blog the way I did, but I am back now, and will be working  on some new content over the next few days and will try to get into some kind of routine with my blog, something that I can stick to and something that fits around my work schedule. There may, or may not be a new banner and layout in the near future, but we shall have to wait and see what happens!

Phew! Anyway, that was incredibly long winded and if you made it this far then thank you! So yeah! I'm back to my old blogging self!

I look forward to talking to you guys again soon!
Byee xx


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